Glad for å sjå at bildene er komt tilbake på bloggen. I nesten ein måned har dette bildet vore der som bildene mine skulle ha vore:
Look who's popular
Og dette er grunnen (kopiert fra
Photobucket's sider):
What does it mean, and how do I get my photos back?
Don't panic, and don't delete anything! Please, let us explain.
Bandwidth is the total amount of data transferred from your Photobucket account to the sites you post photos and videos on. It's kind of like the data plan on your phone. If you have a free account, you can use up to 10GB of bandwidth per month.
Imagine you have a photo that is 1MB in size, and you post it on your blog. Whenever a friend sees your blog, 1MB of data is transferred from your Photobucket account. That counts toward your 10GB per month limit (10GB = 10,000MB, and most photos are much smaller than 1MB).
Now, imagine your blog has a lot of photos on it, and their total size is 5MB. That would mean that 2,000 blog views would max out the bandwidth on your freePhotobucket account. If you're linking multiple photos in multiple places, or you post photos on a popular site, your bandwidth can add up pretty fast!
There are two ways to get your linked photos and videos to show up again:
- Wait until your cycle date. Your bandwidth limit resets every month on the date you created your account. Check your page to find out when your cycle date is and how much bandwidth you've used since your last cycle date.
- Go Plus. Plus accounts have unmetered bandwidth, no ads, and full-size photo storage. You'll love it!
Derfor har eg venta til den 08.09 (sidan eg åpna konto hos Photobucket den 8.) for å sjå om bildene mine kom tilbake, og det gjorde dei. Så no er eg spent på om dei kjem til å forsvinne igjen når "bandwidth'en" er oppbrukt... Men bildene er iallfall tilbake (inntil videre).